After weeks of searching today we finally put down a deposit and first month's rent on a house. It is far from perfect and not what I had in mind when I began this search. However, we can make it work and at least we will not be homeless. I am determined to keep a positive outlook as I begin this new chapter of my life.
I have remarried the man I divorced sixteen years ago. I am finally cutting the apron strings on my grown up children and trying to begin a new life for myself, my husband and my three youngest children. This has not by any means been an easy thing for me to do. I still find myself assailed by doubts and fears.
Today we went shopping for kitchen stuff and new bunkbeds for the two youngest boys. We are somewhat limited on money so I have to be careful but you do have to have the essentials. I am leaving behind most of the stuff I collected over the years for my grown boys and my mom who are still going to be living together in the house I am leaving. We are taking only our personal things, a few pieces of furniture but mostly we are leaving it all for them so that they have all that they need. I may be leaving, or at least moving ten or fifteen minutes away, but I still want to know that they have all they need and that they are ok.
My sweet husband is preparing to clean and paint and get the house ready. I don't know how much help I can be with my health not what it used to be. I am determined for his sake and for my three youngest sons to make us a home. It might not happen overnight but we can make a success out of this venture. So off we go on this new adventure. Who knows where we will find ourselves in November of 2011?