Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crazy Hazy Days of Summer

Summer is here at last in southwestern Virginia, with hot humid days and lots of thunderstorms. I am not too sure if we will try to have any celebrations, although my son has invited us over for a cook-out at his house. Money is so tight right now. My husband is working part-time and growing a garden with a friend of his. He is really looking forward to having fresh veggies and even some cantalopes. My food budget has been reduced and I have to figure out how to shop for the long month of July so that we do not run out of things we need. I thought I was long past having to budget down to the penny, guess not. My younger sons actually complain about having meat to eat...I am thinking to myself, do they know how many people would be grateful for the kind of meals I serve them every day. I know it is my fault, I have spoiled them. Spoiled them to where they have certain expectations and when money falls short I have to scramble not to disappoint them. They drink far too much sweet tea, and I plan to start insisting on water between meals. For example, I serve crockpot roast about once a week. It is a very simple roast with new potatoes and some seasonings. My thirteen year old son told me he was tired of having roast...and chicken...and pork chops. But when I asked well then what is it that you would prefer to eat, he had no answer. I do try to mix the meals up as much as I can, varying the recipes so that it doesn't seem like the same old thing all the time. My husband works hard every day to try to make our dollars stretch to pay the bills but I feel that I work equally hard. Every single day I prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner, wash dishes all day long, make tea at least twice, I do two or three loads of laundry every day,keep my two ice trays filled and my bucket of ice in the freezer full, clean the house, take out the trash, and I can't even remember what else I do all day but let me tell ya what I am getting zero appreciation. I know I know. Mother's should not expect to be appreciated. It's the job right? I don't mind the job most days. I take pleasure in keeping my house presentable and all those little chores done. I think I need a break. I know better than to ask for a vacation, but a break would be nice. A day or two where I didn't have to run around doing things all day long, could read books and play on my computer and take long bubble baths every night. Ahh well, I reckon it can't hurt to dream. Happy Summer everyone.

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