Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do you do homemade when you are not crafty?

Ok this is the honest truth...I am not crafty. At all. I can't sew or knit or crochet or craft anything at all. I want to do homemade gifts for this holiday season. The question is what in the world can I do that is homemade? I am on the hunt for ideas! There has to be something inexpensive that I can do that would make a nice gift. Something that is not too complicated or time consuming.
If you are reading this send me your ideas. Tell me what you do to make homemade gifts for your friends and family. Remember you are dealing with the most non-crafty person in the world and take it easy on me!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gearing Up for the Holidays

I am counting the days until my husband comes home from working out of town. Thanks to his efforts we have come a long way towards getting our bills caught up. That means that I can focus on something I love...the holidays! We also have a ton of birthdays in November and my adult twin sons in December. I have little things that I like to do even though I am not a "crafty" sort of woman. I bought these cute little stockings to decorate for the three grandchildren I will get to see. I plan to fill them with candy canes and other goodies as a little extra treat from their granny.
I went to a craft show yesterday and I got an idea for something I would like to try if I can find the supplies at a reasonable cost. Paraffin oil candle lamps! You need an empty glass bottle, wick, and a way to anchor the wick in the bottle. I have already viewed a couple of videos and gotten some great ideas on how to do this. I would like to make one for each of my children who has their own home, so that means my two daughters and my son who lives about an hour or so away. I don't know yet if this idea will come to fruition, depending on my ability to find the supplies locally but it sounds fun!
I have already decided to bake a tray full of goodies for everyone. Cookies, fudge, rock candy, brownies, yummy quick breads. I already found little trays at the dollar store that would work really well for this project. Christmas doesn't have to be about the almighty dollar. The last couple of years were bleak for us as a family, but there is hope that this year will be better and I want to put forth a personal effort, not just run to the store and buy something.
I am collecting ideas and recipes for my goody trays from my online friends. Who knows. I may be starting a brand new tradition!